Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Arum have appeared/ Baby Boks

 Arum (Araceae itlalicum)

Arum has tuberous roots, likes full or partial shade, and appears in the fall and disappears in the summer after producing a spathe type flower (think Jack in the Pulpit) and then a cluster of bright red berries on a stalk after the leaves fall off.  It's variegated,  arrow shaped, 6 to 8 inch  leaves are very beautiful all winter and it spreads slowly.  It is a good pass along plant. It can be dug up and the tubers divided easily to propogate. I have it in several places around our property. And can divide it again this fall.  It is one of the plants I intend to move to the front garden as I've always only had it in the back.

 Isn't this a beautiful leaf?

 Cool Season Crop :  Bok Choy 

Yesterday I planted baby bok choy (Brassica family)  .  Bok choy is an ancient Chinese cabbage, and has a more mild flavor than head cabbage.  It is full of vitamin C, fiber and minerals and it great in stir fry, or just sauteed on its own in a little bit of oil, or steamed and sprinkled with salt and pepper.  The inside of the stems, or hearts are considered delicacies. Both the leaves and stems are edible.  The plant has been cultivated in China since the 5th century.  It should be grown from seed directly in the garden and likes to be kept moist and cool.  I purchased  Botanical Interest seeds from Petals From the Past and got a hybrid smaller version of the plant, or Baby Bok.  It is supposed to be ready to harvest in 30 days. When it comes up, I'll post some pictures.  All the rest of the fall veggies that I planted last week  (except carrots) are starting to come up and some will even need to be thinned soon. I have lettuce, spinach, bok choy, beets, and snow peas and carrots. We'll have some good early winter meals if the critters don't get them.

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