Thursday, July 5, 2012

Morning Coffee

Had a lovely time early this morning just sitting in the shade drinking my lovely cup of O'Henry's Southern Pecan coffee.  I generally have so much to do that I don't sit, but instead drink while I weed, or prune.  I forced myself to enjoy and rest today.

We have a covered patio which overlooks the back garden.  It also serves as my potting shed.  It was mostly clean this morning, and there was a gentle breeze.  My pink flamingo wind chime was tinkling, and the butterflies were enjoying meals from the zinnias.  Finches were flitting in the birdbath.It was one of those all is well with the world moments we  need to remember to savor.

The crape myrtle is starting to bloom, the garden is filled with purple coneflowers and blackeyed Susans,  yellow coneflowers , and zinnias.Cypess vine is also blooming .  All have been planted to attract butterflies and birds.  The yellow finches have been feasting at the coneflowers on a regular basis. 

It is especially good to have natives that don't require a lot of water and care this summer.  We continue to have very hot temps.  It was near 100 again today.  Tonight I will have to water the lawn.
Not one of my favorite tasks.  No, we are not lucky enough to have an automatic sprinkler system. I
really don't even like to have grass, but we had some new sod put in part of the front garden this spring ( due to repairing tornado damage from last year, but more about that later).  We also have to have a large patch in the back because we have a septic system.  It is also nice to have a spot of lawn  when we want to play croquet with the grand kids!

Gma Susie

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